Thursday, May 2, 2013


This is a blog that views a number of different aspects of gender in correlation to the study of Geography. The topics include, home, family, public/private, scale, discrimination, and work. In addition to these topics, a brief statistical analysis from three different countries is included to provide a better understanding of the different ways in which different people from different countries live their everyday lives; these countries include United States, Iran and Mexico.

The image below represents the idea that all the truths within the topics of Geography and gender that are discussed are subjective. A truth today can be changed tomorrow, depending on the time and the society. In this image we see an ad targeted for women wanting to gain weight in order to look more desirable for the opposite sex, a concept that today would be considered to be almost strange, considering the amount of women in our society who try to do the opposite in order to attract a mate. This shows how different 
regions around the world form these types of discourses, or set of "truths", in each society and as time changes, so to do these truths.

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