
Discrimination is something that takes place anywhere in the world and at any time. There are several forms of discrimination including racial, age, and gender. Looking at the Atlas we can see gender discrimination taking place all over the world. The map "In Their Place" shows all the countries where a form of discrimination against women takes place. Several countries in Africa and the Middle East, under religion, practice exclusion and restrict women's public movements and dress. Literacy is also a factor when looking at discrimination. Out of all the people in the world who are illiterate, nearly two thirds of those are women. Even though more girls are in primary school, they tend to be removed from schooling earlier than boys. There is some hope to help end discrimination though. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which was put into force in 1981, "establishes a universal set of standards and principles that are intended to serve as a template for shaping national policies towards the long-term goal of eliminating gender discrimination." (Atlas of Women in the World)

Source: Created by author definition from Merriam Webster
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