The idea of scale can be looked at in many different ways. Scale in this context, however, is referring to the scale at which things affect each other. We see that scale comes into play from a microbial level all the way up to the universal level. Everything has an effect on something else, whether it be positive or negative. We see diseases affecting humans. We also see humans affecting diseases by combatting them with medicine. Sometimes a single person can have a profound effect on a nation and other times a nation can be oppressing an individual. Scales don't just act within their own scale, they are constantly interacting with other things outside their own scale. The phenomenon scale is the scale at which processes exist. This is true no matter what scale you're at. Also, it is best to keep in mind that analyses of interactions are best to compare at the same scale. (Donovan,2013)
Source: Created by author definition from Merriam Webster
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